How to draw an owl

The problem with most business and leadership advice is that it’s a little like this: The two circles aren’t the point. Getting the two circles right is a good idea, but lots of people manage that part. No, the difficult part is learning to see what an owl looks […]

A Winning Culture Keeps Score

A Winning Culture Keeps Score

20131124_3 People often think of corporate culture as “soft” because it involves squishy things like values and expectations. That’s true as far as it goes—but winning cultures have a hard, metrics-driven element as well. A culture that feels upbeat and positive but doesn’t contribute to profitable growth or beating […]

Why Social Business Initiatives Fail

Why Social Business Initiatives Fail

advertisement Mount Everest Why do so many social business programs fail? Gartner research estimates that fully 80% of social business initiatives will deliver disappointing results over the next three years. That’s a bad track record. It’s almost as if organizations were sabotaging their own efforts. A careful look at […]

**Building the social enterprise**

Why do so few companies capture the full value of social technologies? There’s no doubt organizations have begun to realize significant value from largely external uses of social. 1 1. Roxane Divol, David Edelman, and Hugo Sarrazin, “ Demystifying social media ,” McKinsey Quarterly , April 2012. Yet internal […]