Running IT Like a Business

Running IT Like a Business

Rob Webb, CIO, TBM Council A few weeks ago, I caught up with Robert Webb, former CIO of Hilton Worldwide and Equifax before that.  Rob has recently been named CEO of TBM (Technology Business Management Council ), a non-profit organization of CIOs who work together to define a decision-making […]

IT Can No Longer Afford to Ignore Its Users

by Aaron Levie  |   12:00 PM November 14, 2013 The history of enterprise technology has been fairly unforgiving to the people intended to use it. For the past half-century, most information technology models propagated two unassailable truths: that enterprise technology was purchased by  a select few , and the technology was bought  for the company . As for the delight of the […]

Running IT Like a Business

Running IT Like a Business

Rob Webb, CIO, TBM Council A few weeks ago, I caught up with Robert Webb, former CIO of Hilton Worldwide and Equifax before that.  Rob has recently been named CEO of TBM (Technology Business Management Council ), a non-profit organization of CIOs who work together to define a decision-making […]

Think Of UC&C Like You Would ERP

Think Of UC&C Like You Would ERP

This is the second post in a monthly series from Dimension Data and Cisco Channels looking at user adoption and integration of unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) solutions. Findings stem from Dimension Data’s 2013 Global UC&C Survey , developed with ICT researcher Ovum and featuring responses from more than […]