Companies around the world are cutting back their financial-incentive programs, but few have used other ways of inspiring talent. We think they should. Numerous studies 1 1. John Gibbons, Employee Engagement: A Review of Current Research and Its Implications , Conference Board, 2006. have concluded that for people with […]
Why Stack Ranking Is A Terrible Way To Motivate Employees
Marissa Mayer Stack ranking , also referred to as forced ranking, where managers across a company are required to rank all of their employees on a bell curve, has been a controversial management technique since then GE CEO Jack Welch popularized it in the 1980s. Only a small percentage […]
Incentives For Knowledge Workers In the Social Enterprise
This week, I started in Vegas with huge SAP TechEd conference, then moved on to Houston for the much more intimate APQC Process Conference, attended by 150 of so quality practitioners who are focused on process. I arrived too late for the first day’s sessions, but caught up with […]