We’ve seen it before — many times — people start social media initiatives with good intentions, but a large number of them die out due to lack of engagement and participation, among other things. Blogs, wikis, communities — you name it, there are so many examples, and it is […]
10 “Userrific” Questions to Ask Yourself During an IT Change Management Process
We approach every IT change management process with its own unique method because every organization is different, but the guiding questions are the same. Here are 10 core questions that we ask before each project. All of them are designed to help ensure that the process is “userrific” […]
Why Social Business Initiatives Fail
advertisement Mount Everest Why do so many social business programs fail? Gartner research estimates that fully 80% of social business initiatives will deliver disappointing results over the next three years. That’s a bad track record. It’s almost as if organizations were sabotaging their own efforts. A careful look at […]
7 Strategies To Meld Social With Business Process
Businesses consider integration of social technologies with business processes to be important, but only about one-third of them expect social to be integrated across the business in the next two years, according to a study by AIIM, a global community […]
Test the business process before you build the software
The modern conventional wisdom in these days of on-demand resources and rapid-fire, iterative development is that the first priority for any application development team should be to quickly build a ‘minimum viable product’ and get it out […]
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These examples are helpful reminders not to get starry-eyed about technology until you’ve established the business need and actually tested the best way of delivering the desired outcome. You only have to look at the burgeoning fields today of social media and big data to discover hundreds of start-ups who are ignoring those lessons, trusting that the coolness of their technology is all that is needed to make an impact in the market. No doubt there are countless enterprise development teams making similar errors, most notably I suspect in the field of social media marketing.
Social Collaboration in 2012 – Moving at Light Speed
Over the course of the past year, the pace of change in the social collaboration space rivals that of Star Trek’s Enterprise. It’s a market that has continued to accelerate at light speed throughout the year. Technology innovation has continued apace with the addition of social workflows. Application […]
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Integration of Social Collaboration into Mission Critical Processes
The presence of global enterprise software giants Oracle, SAP and IBM propel forward the most important change this market has seen yet: the integration of social collaboration into the mission-critical processes that mid-sized and large organizations operate by.
More and more, the Social Enterprise has focused on how to enhance the everyday work product through social collaboration. These companies recognize that we do not collaborate for collaboration’s sake. Instead, we collaborate to get our jobs done and ensure that people operate in the context of normal, day-to-day operations.
Enterprise Communications
2012 saw another solid year of growth for web and video conferencing among businesses. User demand is growing at a strong pace indicating that web and video meetings are going mainstream. In a recent Frost & Sullivan survey of C-level executives in North America, web and video conferencing ranked […]
Creating Collaboration Takes More Than Technology
Collaboration: Evan Rosen Why should any organization adopt collaboration? There’s only one reason—value creation. After all, if we’re not creating value, what’s the point? With a growing consciousness for collaboration, many companies are investing in collaboration tools and technologies. These range from enterprise instant messaging and unified communications, wikis, […]
The Future of Enterprise Collaboration is Social – and Seamless
Enterprises are always looking for ways to help employees communicate with each other more effectively. The reasoning is simple: better communication leads to faster and higher-quality work, which, in turn, drives increased productivity. The rise in social networking has breathed new life into efforts to improve internal collaboration. Social […]
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Converged Collaboration
Most Businesses Lack Fundamental Understanding of Enterprise Social Collaboration Tech
With so many travelers on the High Tech Highway so frequently on the move, employers and workers alike are seeking new ways to stay connected to one another and encourage collaboration. While social collaboration tools have gained popularity recently, […]
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Choosing Social Collaboration Tools? Focus on Business Needs
According to a recent TechTarget article, “the dirty secret when it comes to social networking is that many organizations feel pressured to jump on the bandwagon without a clear idea of how enterprise social collaboration tools will actually help them.” But in order to make social collaboration successful, organizations must approach the buying process as a business process change.