From telephone and e-mail in the 20th century to unified communication and enterprise social networks in the 21st, businesses have long applied the latest technology in the hopes of improving efficiency and productivity. When this happens successfully, the investment turns in sufficient business impact to justify the cost. When […]
The major enterprise collaboration platforms and their mobile clients
Previous | Next Image 1 of 19 Last week I examined the leading and/or most established players in enterprise collaboration. This gallery summarizes the major options available today while also taking a look at their mobile capabilities, which are now relatively sophisticated except for a surprising omission. Each enterprise […]
Running IT Like a Business
Rob Webb, CIO, TBM Council A few weeks ago, I caught up with Robert Webb, former CIO of Hilton Worldwide and Equifax before that. Rob has recently been named CEO of TBM (Technology Business Management Council ), a non-profit organization of CIOs who work together to define a decision-making […]
Social Enterprise 2013 – The End of the Beginning!?
Recent discussions in my network show some concerns regarding the job changes of experts in the field of social business. For example Rawn Shah, ex-Social Business visionary at IBM and writer-in-residence at Forbes, posed the question: “ Is social business as a field dying, or is it heading for […]
Unlocking the Future of Work: Don’t Let the Future Happen to You
Social Business is Dead! Long Live What’s Next! – Chris Heuer
shutterstock_111469742 Guest post by Chris Heuer, CEO, Alynd ( @chrisheuer ) When I heard Marc Benioff was giving up on pursuit of “Social Enterprise” as the focus of Salesforce’s marketing, I remarked to my Deloitte colleagues that “Social Business has won the day.” I felt vindicated after being an […]
How Do Enterprise Buyers Research New Software?
research A few weeks ago, I wanted to know what role “social” plays in researching enterprise software. Every one of the billion dollar companies that responded to my inquiry said that blogs, social networks (from Twitter to LinkedIn), and online forums weighed heavily in their initial research and […]
Dynamics CRM cues the ‘sexy’ new Microsoft
Phil Wainewright | On November 4, 2013 As the bowtie-wearing presenter bid farewell to the crowd here in Barcelona at the end of today’s global launch event for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, a grizzled analyst in the row behind me muttered, “What, nothing about the product?” Departing from the […]
Incentives For Knowledge Workers In the Social Enterprise
This week, I started in Vegas with huge SAP TechEd conference, then moved on to Houston for the much more intimate APQC Process Conference, attended by 150 of so quality practitioners who are focused on process. I arrived too late for the first day’s sessions, but caught up with […]
Can’t change, won’t change – lessons from banking
If you listen to or read the rhetoric from the new breed of vendors, you’ll often hear them say something that was encapsulated well in something Stuart Lauchlan reported upon when discussing business intelligence . A quote from Brad Peters, Birst’s CEO serves […]