Companies need their critical workforces to perform smarter, faster and more productively. Achieving that goal requires embedding collaborative technologies deep into processes and incentivizing collaborative behaviors—ultimately transforming the way organizations turn knowledge into action. Collaboration platforms should do more than help employees talk about their work; they should create […]
Why change management fails in organizations
Leaders today must understand and apply the knowledge of behavioral psychology and the lessons from brain science to manage organizational change successfully. In the past, efforts at organizational change which has focused on the structural aspects of organizations have systematically failed because they have neglected the reality that change […]
The One (Really Easy) Persuasion Technique Everyone Should Know
Post image for The One (Really Easy) Persuasion Technique Everyone Should Know It’s supported by 42 studies on 22,000 people and it’s the easiest, most practical persuasion technique available. I’ll admit it. A few of the techniques for persuasion I’ve covered here on PsyBlog have been a little outlandish […]
The Power of “Why?”
Why? A simple question that can generate tremendous insight. You can ask the question in one word or with some added detail (e.g. Why is that important to you?), but asking it is almost always better than guessing. This was a lesson I learned years ago. In selling situations, we […]
A Winning Culture Keeps Score
20131124_3 People often think of corporate culture as “soft” because it involves squishy things like values and expectations. That’s true as far as it goes—but winning cultures have a hard, metrics-driven element as well. A culture that feels upbeat and positive but doesn’t contribute to profitable growth or beating […]
Brain Science Not Ready to Replace Mad Men
Martin Lindstrom, the globe-trotting Danish branding expert, estimates that a whopping 90 percent of our buying decisions take place at a subconscious level. The author of the 2008 business best-seller “Buyology,” Lindstrom advises marketers to cut out the middlemen — the buyers themselves — and ask their brains directly: […]
The Defining Elements of a Winning Culture
by Michael C. Mankins | 8:00 AM December 19, 2013 A company’s culture can have a powerful impact on its performance. Culture is the glue that binds an organization together and it’s the hardest thing for competitors to copy. As a result, it can be a lasting source of competitive […]
There’s No Such Thing as a Culture Turnaround
by Jon R. Katzenbach | 8:00 AM December 18, 2013 Company culture changes very slowly, so efforts to do an about-face are inevitably a waste of time and energy: Organizations either declare victory prematurely or, in frustration, abandon the attempt. You’re better off thinking of your cultural situation as an […]
Information is power
Jonathan Bacon Marketing and technology teams need to work together to optimise business success in a digital world but only one in 10 marketing and IT executives believe they have got it right. Those that have successfully collaborated tell how they forge strong links. Above: The Guardian is one […]
Neuralytix 2013 Enterprise Social Networks Update Released
Neuralytix 2013 Enterprise Social Networks Update Released Dec 16, 2013 Click here to get the Neuralytix 2013 Enterprise Social Networks Update . Companies covered in the research include: Bitrix Bloomfire Broadvision IBM Igloo Software Jive Software Jostle Moxie Software OpenText Oracle SAP Tomfoolery The research paper will list key […]