5 Reasons why collaboration contributes to innovation Almost all of the recent books, blogs, and papers supporting innovation highlight the importance of collaboration. Why? For many years, the sole inventor was told that people working together can lead to groupthink–too much consensus and convergent thinking. While these ideas have […]
Wolff: How CEOs are clueless about technology
mwolff President’s Obama’s fumfering response last week to the ill-performance of the Affordable Care Act’s online insurance exchange included a discordant repetition of the word “website.” It was as though the word were new in his mouth — and distasteful to him — and as if the flaws and […]
The Digital Talent Gap
How to draw an owl
The problem with most business and leadership advice is that it’s a little like this: The two circles aren’t the point. Getting the two circles right is a good idea, but lots of people manage that part. No, the difficult part is learning to see what an owl looks […]
Bad News Is Worse through Email
Bottom Line: People who get bad news from companies significantly prefer to be disappointed via voicemail rather than email, appreciating the interpersonal aspect of the human voice over plain text. This leads to a better attitude toward the company, despite the letdown. When you have to deliver bad […]
Build a ‘Quick and Nimble’ Culture
20140108_4 by Dan McGinn | 11:00 AM January 7, 2014 Since 2009, Adam Bryant has interviewed hundreds of CEOs for the “Corner Office” feature in The New York Times . This month he’s publishing his second book based on the interviews: “Quick and Nimble: Lessons from Leading CEOs on How […]
2013 Wrap-up: Business Process Management
In 2013 I expanded my Business Planning and Execution research practice to include the topic of Business Process Management (BPM). In an increasingly competitive business environment, many organizations are taking a look at their business processes to help to differentiate themselves while keeping costs low. Take at look at […]
The Biases That Make Bosses Hate Creativity
Every year, Fast Company searches far and wide for the Most Creative People in business. But here’s something strange: while Americans prize creativity, research says we’re disposed to reject it . Why do people mistrust creative folks? As Jessica Olien writes at Slate , there are layers of psychological […]
Gartner Symposium: The Future of IT Sales – Tiffani Bova
20131009-082051.jpg Started out this morning with Tiffani Bova discussing IT sales especially market shifts (started at 8AM instead of 7AM which was nice). Even though products have innovated and customers have become smarter, there has been no change in the GTM models of selling technology. Product innovation is not […]
Selling to the A, B, and F Suites
Selling to the A, B, and F Suites You’re might be overly concerned with selling to the C-suite . Authority used to reside in fewer people. Now decisions are more and more made by consensus. The elevator from the ground floor passes through every floor on its way to […]