20120921_1 How do you get leaders, employees, customers — and even yourself — to change behaviors? Executives can change strategy, products and processes until they’re blue in the face, but real change doesn’t take hold until people actually change what they do. I spent the summer reviewing research on […]
Moving Motivators
I invented a new exercise which allows people to reflect on their motivation , and how this is being affected by organizational change. Check out the following description, and see if you like it… Ten Intrinsic Desires The Moving Motivators exercise is based on the 10 intrinsic desires which […]
How to Lead Change Effectively by Learning from Past Setbacks
Some organizations go from project to project doing exactly the same things they did the time before – and the time before that. That would be OK if every change exceeded expectations and came in on time and within budget. But, the truth is, about 70 percent of organizational […]