Bertrand Duperrin: A process based approach to social means discussing, removing, replacing the organization as we know it!

Bertrand Duperrin: A process based approach to social means discussing, removing, replacing the organization as we know it!

The problem is not to provide them with such or such functionally, they already benefit from tons of functionalities in tons of applications, it’s to be able the right action over the right « object » in the context they’re in.
With the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT 2014 the objective is to discuss the further integration of the “social” ideas in the company’s structures and processes. One of these sessions that point in this direction is the discussion about how to align social with the business process organization . One of […]

How to Define a Vision for Change

How to Define a Vision for Change

shutterstock_168782465 A clear vision of the desired “future state”, or what the organization will look like after the change, is an important foundation for any modernisation effort. This includes what services the organization will deliver, how it will operate and how its stakeholders will interact. Envisioning the future state […]