IT Can No Longer Afford to Ignore Its Users

by Aaron Levie  |   12:00 PM November 14, 2013 The history of enterprise technology has been fairly unforgiving to the people intended to use it. For the past half-century, most information technology models propagated two unassailable truths: that enterprise technology was purchased by  a select few , and the technology was bought  for the company . As for the delight of the […]

Unified Communications in the Cloud (Dec. 12:

Unified Communications in the Cloud (Dec. 12:

  Press Contact: Diane Myers Principal Analyst, VoIP, UC, and IMS Infonetics Research (408) 583-3391 twitter: dianemyers twitter: infonetics Infonetics unified communications survey finds video and cloud on the rise in the enterprise   Campbell, CALIFORNIA, October 7, 2013—Market research firm Infonetics Research released excerpts from its 2013 […]

Why Social Business Initiatives Fail

Why Social Business Initiatives Fail

advertisement Mount Everest Why do so many social business programs fail? Gartner research estimates that fully 80% of social business initiatives will deliver disappointing results over the next three years. That’s a bad track record. It’s almost as if organizations were sabotaging their own efforts. A careful look at […]

The Curse of Knowledge

Magazine Impenetrable strategy statements can’t unite employees behind an organization’s goals, but concrete language and stories can. Many sensible strategies fail to drive action because executives formulate them in sweeping, general language. “Achieving customer delight!” “Becoming the most efficient manufacturer!” “Unlocking shareholder value!” One explanation for executives’ love affair […]