The Proof is in the Pudding

At this year’s Enterprise Connect conference a large emphasis was placed on customer experience and data analytics. This new focus is representative of the entire unified communications industry maturing and realizing that results matter. Adjective overload, hyperboles, and outright deception may be fine for marketing slicks, but in the […]

A Shared Purpose Drives Collaboration

Imagine coming back home from work, calling the family into the living room, and urging everyone to collaborate more. Sounds odd, doesn’t it? Ever wondered what makes collaboration seem so natural at home but unnatural at work? The answer: Purpose. Purpose is collaboration’s most unacknowledged determinant.  While it can […]

Step 5 – Performance Measures

Step 5 – Performance Measures

Nine Steps to Success™ – Step 5 Performance Measures Performance Measure is the fifth step of the Balanced Scorecard Institutes framework for strategic planning and management, the Nine Steps to Success™. In business, government and non-profit organisations we measure a multitude of things. We do this to keep on […]

What Are Performance Measures?

Performance measures quantitatively tell us something important about our products, services, and the processes that produce them. They are a tool to help us understand, manage, and improve what our organizations do. Performance measures let us know: How well we are doing If our processes are in statistical control […]